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  • Cosm: Cyberpapacy

The Antipope’s engineers have mastered efficient, form fitting, and even beautiful cyber-technology. Many think of it as body art, gilding their cybernetic arms or plating cerebral neural jacks with metallic colors, prismatic images, or other custom work.

Implants During Play: If cyberware is purchased and implanted after character creation, the surgery must be done in a clinic or “chop shop“ inside the Cyberpapacy.

Cyberware Implants

  • Prereq: None

When this Perk is selected, the character may choose up to $10,000 worth of Cyberware. Official Church-approved cyberware is linked directly to the GodNet and carefully monitored. Devices bought via this Perk are “hacked“ and don’t link to the GodNet (unless the wearer wants it to for some reason). Its installation is safe and free from risk of injury.

Hacked cyberware is a crime in the Cyberpapacy, however. Heroes who “chrome“ their bodies best beware of the Church Police—they are always watching.
New Implants: This Perk may be taken more than once. Each time after the first, it grants the user another $5,000 worth of implants.