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Edeinos are trained in combat from the day they’re born. They grow up with a spear in their hands and are ferocious in their pursuit and capture of prey, which they rip apart with their savage teeth.

Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 9, Mind 6, Spirit 8, Strength 10
Skills: Beast riding 10, dodge 10, faith 9, find 8, intimidation 10, maneuver 10, melee weapons 11, missile weapons 10, stealth 10, survival 8, tracking 8, unarmed combat 11
Move: 9; Tough: 10; Shock: 10; Wounds: —
Equipment: Hrockt shoot spear (Strength +2/12)
Perks: Whirlwind
Possibilities: Rare (2)
Special Abilities:

  • Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (12).