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An unliving object can have a strong connection with the cosm in which it was created, becoming a “hardpoint“ of its reality. It continues to serve as a source for the unliving laws of a cosm, even when totally surrounded by a foreign cosm. The Liberty Bell is a hardpoint in Philadelphia, for example, and maintains Core Earth’s reality.

Hardpoints are immobile. If one is moved, it loses its properties in about 12 hours. Hardpoints project a reality zone; within this zone the axioms and World Laws of the object apply, not those of the surrounding cosm. The radius of effect depends on the belief living beings of the cosm have imbued in it over time, and to some degree, its sheer mass.

Use the table below as a guideline (and note the overlaps), but remember that belief is the real determinant.

Hardpoint Radii

Radius Size
50m Desktop Computer, sword
100m Car
500m House
1km Apartment building
5km Washington Monument, Building Complex, Mt. Rushmore

The area closest to the hardpoint (extending from the hardpoint itself to half the affected radius) is a Dominant Zone. The remaining area outside that, reaching to the full hardpoint radius is a Mixed Zone where the axioms of the hardpoint have the upper hand.
Living beings cannot become hardpoints.

Hardpoints in an alien reality gradually lose the Possibility Energy that sustains them, sucked dry by the High Lord’s stelae network. When they run out of Possibility Energy, the hardpoint goes inert. Those who believe in the hardpoint’s reality and continue to fight and hope might replenish it over time—as long as they maintain some connection to its original reality. This is why High Lords often select areas of cultural importance rather than strict population density. Those fighting to defend their reality actually act as conduits of Possibility Energy themselves.