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Kanawa’s corporate security teams go by many different names depending on their role and the country they’re stationed in, but the profile below fits most of their guards and patrol personnel.

Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 8, Mind 8, Spirit 8, Strength 8
Skills: Dodge 10, evidence analysis 9, find 10, fire combat 10, first aid 9, intimidation 11, land vehicles 9, maneuver 10, melee weapons 10, stealth 10, streetwise 9, unarmed combat 9
Move: 8; Tough: 12 (4); Shock: 8; Wounds: —
Equipment: Kanawa security armor (+4), katana (Strength +3/11), SC Kyogo T11 (Damage 14, Long Burst, Range 50/100/200).
Perks: —
Possibilities: Rare (2)
Special Abilities: —