Nibikrids are arachnids almost the size of a person. They are hairy all over and possess gray-bearded faces with glistening rows of black eyes. They speak with high-pitched voices.
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 8, Mind 6, Spirit 6, Strength 8
Skills: Dodge 9, maneuver 12, stealth 11, taunt 8, unarmed combat 9
Move: 8; Tough: 8; Shock: 6; Wounds: 1
Equipment: —
Perks: —
Possibilities: None
Special Abilities:
- Bite: Damage is Strength +1 (9), plus the victim is affected by nibikrid venom if the damage exceeds Toughness.
- Nibikrid Venom: The target’s Strength decreases by one. Note that this does decrease Toughness. If Strength drops below 5 the target is KO’ed and must test for Defeat. After one minute (six rounds) the target tests Strength to end the venom’s effect. If the test fails the effect lasts another minute, and then the target tests again.