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In Torg Eternity, every player character starts with access to certain special abilities in addition to her attributes and skills called “Perks.“ Perks are what allow a hero to start the game with cyberware, cast spells, use Nile Empire pulp powers, or simply be particularly smarter, tougher, or better at some things than most.

Characters start with two Perks. Unless it says otherwise, no Perk may be taken twice.

In general if a Perk is lost in some way, the Game Master should find a way to restore it within a few scenes. If a dwarf loses her dragon armor, for example, the GM should find a way to let her recover it—perhaps fighting through an encounter or two to confront the thief who stole it. Lost or destroyed cyberware can be repaired and re-attached with a little effort and medical attention.

  • Cosm: The cosm the Perks are found in.
  • Prerequisites: Some Perks require certain attributes, skills, or other Perks before they may be taken. Characters don’t lose Perks if they somehow later lose those prerequisites.

(*)Perks with this symbol are dependent on their cosm’s World Laws and can cause Contradictions outside that cosm.