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  • Cosm: Any

These Perks focus on having a network of friends and contacts and getting them to do what you want.


  • Prereq: Charisma 8+

The character may take an action to speak a few encouraging words to an ally suffering from Stymied or Vulnerable conditions. She then makes a standard (DN 10) persuasion test. A Standard success eliminates one condition, Good eliminates two, and Outstanding removes all negative conditions. The affected ally decides which conditions to remove.



  • Prereq: Mind 8+

Given a brief conversation with native speakers, study of written words, etc., the character can speak, read, and write basic concepts in a language he has no skill adds in. This isn’t as comprehensive as having an actual add in the relevant language, but it should be enough to help the translator and his party speak and negotiate with the locals.


  • Prereq: None

Some people are born into riches and prosperity, while others earn it the hard way. The character has $10,000 worth of starting gear instead of the usual $1,000, and persuasion or streetwise is Favored when testing to purchase an item or service.