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This entry represents a typical soldier of Core Earth’s armed forces who has had at least a little experience in the Possibility Wars.

Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 8, Mind 7, Spirit 8, Strength 8
Skills: Dodge 10, find 8, fire combat 10, first aid 8, heavy weapons 9, intimidation 9, land vehicles 9, maneuver 9, melee weapons 9, stealth 9, unarmed combat 9
Move: 8; Tough: 12 (4); Shock: 8; Wounds: —
Equipment: Ballistic vest (Armor +4), M4 assault rifle (Damage 13, Short Burst, Range 50/100/200).
Perks: Double Tap
Possibilities: Rare (2)
Special Abilities: —